October 5, 2023

Our Guide to UK Emigration - Visas, Preparation and more

Are you thinking of emigrating to the UK from the UAE? If so, you might be wondering what are the benefits of living and working in one of the most diverse and dynamic countries in the world. In this article, we will explore some of the reasons why you might want to consider moving to the UK, as well as some of the challenges and opportunities that await you. Just a heads up this is a long one! You can skips to each section if you already have some knowledge in certain areas.

The UK is a popular destination for UAE citizens who want to experience a different culture, lifestyle, and climate. The UK offers a range of attractions, from historical landmarks and museums to vibrant cities and scenic countryside. The UK is also home to some of the world's top universities, research institutions, and businesses, making it an ideal place for education and career development. That is why Prism 7 have decided to launch our new UK focused job sourcing services. By combining our teams experience in both recruitment and corporate/Visa services, we can provide turnkey solutions for those that want to take the leap to a different lifestyle and work opportunities in the UK.

Moving to the UK from the UAE is not a simple process, of course we can make it much easier for you if you decide to utilise our services. You will need to apply for a visa, depending on your purpose and duration of stay. You will also need to adjust to a new legal system, tax regime, and social norms. You will also face some challenges, such as finding accommodation, opening a bank account, and accessing healthcare.

To help you make an informed decision, we have compiled some of the most important information you need to know before you emigrate to the UK from the UAE. Here are some of the things you will hopefully learn about here:

  • Visa options for UAE citizens who want to visit, study, work, or settle in the UK - skip here
  • The cost of living and working in the UK compared to the UAE - skip here
  • The benefits and drawbacks of living in the UK as an expat - skip here
  • The steps you need to take to prepare for your move and settle in the UK - skip here
  • The services we offer to help you find a job and emigrate to the UK from the UAE - skip here

We hope that this information will give you a comprehensive overview of what it means to emigrate to the UK from the UAE, and help you decide if it is the right choice for you. If you have any questions or need any assistance, please do not hesitate to contact us.

So without further ado, lets move on to the first section of the UAE to UK journey!

Visa options for UAE citizens who want to move to the UK from the UAE

Depending on your reason and length of stay, there are different visa options for UAE citizens who want to move to the UK from the UAE. Here are some of the most common ones:

Electronic Visa Waiver (EVW)

The EVW is a convenient option for UAE citizens who want to visit the UK for up to 6 months for tourism, business, study or medical treatment. You can apply for an EVW online within 3 months before your trip and pay £30. You will need a valid passport and information about your accommodation in the UK. You cannot work, apply for public funds, get married or enter multiple times with an EVW.

Standard Visitor visa

The Standard Visitor visa is another option for UAE citizens who want to visit the UK for up to 6 months for various purposes, such as visiting family or friends, attending short courses or conferences, doing specific business activities or participating in research programs. You can usually apply for a Standard Visitor visa online and pay £115. You will need a valid passport, proof of your financial situation and travel plans, and any other documents relevant to your purpose of visit. You cannot work, apply for public funds, get married or enter multiple times with a Standard Visitor visa.

Short-term study visa

The Short-term study visa is for UAE citizens who want to come to the UK to study an English language course that is over 6 months and up to 11 months long. You can apply for a Short-term study visa online and pay £200. You will need a valid passport, proof of your acceptance on a course at an accredited institution, proof of your financial situation and travel plans, and any other documents relevant to your course of study. You cannot work, apply for public funds or extend your stay with a Short-term study visa.

Student visa

The Student visa is for UAE citizens who want to come to the UK for a longer course of study at an accredited institution. You must be sponsored by a licensed college or university and have a confirmed place on a course. You can apply for a Student visa online and pay £490. You will need a valid passport, proof of your acceptance on a course at an accredited institution, proof of your financial situation and travel plans, proof of your English language ability (if required), consent from your parents if you are under 18 years old, tuberculosis test results (if required), and any other documents relevant to your course of study. You may be able to work, apply for public funds or extend your stay with a Student visa.

Work visa

There are many types of work visa for UAE citizens who want to work in the UK on a short or long-term basis. The visa you need depends on your skills, qualifications, job offer and sponsorship. We won't include prices for these options as they do vary quite a lot, but for pricing we advise you get in touch with us or checkout the UK Gov website for more information. Some of the most common work visas are:

  • Skilled Worker visa: for UAE citizens who have a job offer from a UK employer that is on the list of eligible occupations and meets the minimum salary requirement. You must have a certificate of sponsorship from your employer and meet the English language requirement. You can usually apply for a Skilled Worker visa online. You may be able to bring your family members, apply for public funds or extend your stay with a Skilled Worker visa.
  • Global Talent visa: for UAE citizens who are leaders or potential leaders in the fields of science, engineering, humanities, medicine, digital technology or arts and culture. You must have an endorsement from a UK organisation that is recognised as a leader in your field. You can usually apply for a Global Talent visa online. You may be able to bring your family members, apply for public funds or extend your stay with a Global Talent visa.
  • Innovator visa: for UAE citizens who want to set up or run an innovative business in the UK that has been endorsed by an approved organisation. You must have at least £50,000 to invest in your business and meet the English language requirement. You can usually apply for an Innovator visa online. You may be able to bring your family members, apply for public funds or extend your stay with an Innovator visa.

These are just some of the visa options for UAE citizens who want to move to the UK from the UAE. There are other visas available for specific purposes, such as sporting, charitable or religious work. You can check the full list of visas and their requirements on the UK government website.

The cost of living and working in the UK compared to the UAE

One of the main factors that you need to consider before moving to the UK from the UAE is how much it will cost you to live and work there. The cost of living is influenced by many variables, such as housing, food, transportation, utilities, healthcare, education, entertainment, taxes, and more. The cost of living also varies depending on where you live in each country, as some cities are more expensive than others.

According to various sources , the average cost of living in the UAE is lower than in the UK. However, this does not mean that everything is cheaper in the UAE. Some items are more expensive in the UAE than in the UK, such as clothing, alcohol, internet, and personal care products. On the other hand, some items are cheaper in the UAE than in the UK, such as housing, transportation, gas, and utilities.

Here are some examples of how much some common expenses cost in both countries:

Rent for a 1-bedroom apartment in city centre (monthly)£1,111 (4,942 AED)£1,227 (5,467 AED)-10%
Basic utilities for an 85m2 apartment (monthly)£160 (716 AED)£183 (815 AED)-12%
Internet 8 Mbps (monthly)£59 (264 AED)£21 (94 AED)+181%
1 litre of gas£0.56 (2.5 AED)£1.26 (5.6 AED)-56%
Volkswagen Golf 1.4 TSI 150 CV (new)£16,272 (72,367 AED)£21,191 (94,200 AED)-23%
Monthly ticket for public transport£17 (76 AED)£74 (329 AED)-77%
1 pair of jeans (Levis 501 or similar)£35 (156 AED)£51 (227 AED)-33%
1 summer dress in a high street store (Zara, H&M or similar)£34 (150 AED)£26 (117 AED)+27%
1 pair of sport shoes (Nike, Adidas or similar)£61 (271 AED)£56 (249 AED)+9%
1 pair of men’s leather business shoes£61 (271 AED)£58 (257 AED)+7%
Basic lunchtime menu (including a drink) in city centre£7 (32 AED)£11 (47 AED)-32%
Combo meal in fast food restaurant (Big Mac or similar)£6 (25 AED)£6 (25 AED)+5%
500g of boneless chicken breast£2.62 (12 AED)£2.84 (13 AED)-7%
1kg of tomatoes£0.88 (4 AED)£1.57 (7 AED)-44%
1kg of apples£1.42 (6 AED)£1.67 (7 AED)-16%
1 bottle of red table wine (good quality)£12 (52 AED)£7 (29 AED)+75%
Bread for 2 people for 1 day£0.82 (4 AED)£0.90 (4 AED)-9%
Hair shampoo 2-in-1 (400 ml)£3.34 (15 AED)£3.10 (14 AED)+8%
4 rolls of toilet paper£1.14 (5 AED)£1.68 (7 AED)-32%
Tube of toothpaste£1.66 (7 AED)£1.70 (8 AED)-2%

As you can see, the cost of living in the UK and the UAE is not very different overall, but there are some significant variations depending on the category. You will need to do your own research and budgeting to find out how much you will spend on each item according to your needs and preferences.

So in reality your outgoings in the UK compared to the UAE shouldn't be hugely different overall, but there are some advantages and disadvantages depending on what lifestyle you want to lead.

The average salary in the UK compared to the UAE

Of course the cost of living in any country can be relative to the salaries people earn, so we can't really conclude our cost of living analysis without taking a look at the difference in salaries between the UK and UAE. Average salary is influenced by many variables, such as your profession, experience, qualifications, location, industry, and employer. It can also vary depending on where you work in each country, as some cities or regions are more prosperous than others, for example salaries in London (UK) and Dubai (UAE) may be higher than in other parts of the countries

According to various sources , the average salary in the UAE is higher than in the UK, Numbeo for example says the average monthly net salary in the UAE is £2,665 (11,876 AED), while in the UK it is £2,128.62 (9,486.31 AED). However, this does not mean that everyone earns more in the UAE than in the UK in all industries. Some professions are more in demand or more valued in one country than another. Some employers are more generous or competitive than others. Some workers have more skills or experience than others.

Here are some examples of how much some common professions earn in both countries:

Accountant£3,300 (14,681 AED)£2,475 (11,011 AED)+33%
Engineer£4,125 (18,351 AED)£3,300 (14,681 AED)+25%
Teacher£2,888 (12,845 AED)£2,063 (9,176 AED)+40%
Nurse£2,063 (9,176 AED)£1,650 (7,341 AED)+25%
Software Developer£4,950 (22,021 AED)£4,125 (18,351 AED)+20%
Lawyer£6,600 (29,362 AED)£5,775 (25,692 AED)+14%
Manager£5,775 (25,692 AED)£4,950 (22,021 AED)+17%
Chef£1,650 (7,341 AED)£1,238 (5,505 AED)+33%
Salesperson£2,475 (11,011 AED)£2,063 (9,176 AED)+20%

As you can see, the average salary in the UAE is higher than in the UK for most professions. However, this does not mean that you will automatically earn more if you move to the UAE from the UK. You will need to do your own research and negotiation to find out how much you can expect to earn in your specific field and position.

You also need to take into account the taxes that you will pay in each country. The UAE has no income tax, which means that you will keep most of your earnings. The UK has a progressive income tax system, which means that you will pay more tax as your income increases. The income tax rates in the UK for 2023/2024 are:

  • 0% on the first £12,570 of your income
  • 20% on any income from £12,571 to £50,270
  • 40% on any income from £50,271 to £125,140
  • 45% on any income above £125,140

You may also have to pay other taxes in the UK, such as National Insurance, council tax, value-added tax (VAT), capital gains tax, inheritance tax, and more. So you will really need to compare your net income after taxes in both countries to see how much you will have left to spend or save.

In conclusion, the average salary in the UK compared to the UAE is not very different overall, but there are some advantages and disadvantages depending on your profession and personal circumstances. You will need to weigh up the pros and cons of each country and decide what suits you best. There is also other impacting factors, like skills shortages in the UK, which is one of the primary reasons our UK Job sourcing service is so successful, you may find it much easier to find employment in the UK in you profession, and therefore be able to demand a higher salary or seek a higher job role than in the UAE, which will have a big impact on your individual earning potential.

The benefits and drawbacks of living in the UK as an expat

The UK is a popular destination for expats from all over the world, especially from the UAE. There are over 10s of thousands of UAE nationals living in the UK, and many visitors from the UAE every year. But what are the benefits and drawbacks of living in the UK as an expat? Here are some of the main points to consider before making the move.

Benefits of living in the UK as an expat

  • Access to free healthcare: The UK has a publicly funded health service called the NHS (National Health Service) that provides free or low-cost medical care to all residents, regardless of their nationality or income. This means that expats can enjoy a good standard of healthcare without worrying about expensive bills or insurance premiums. The NHS covers most treatments, including dentistry, prescriptions, and specialist care.
  • Diverse and vibrant culture: The UK is a melting pot of cultures, languages, and traditions, thanks to its long history of immigration and colonialism. Expats can experience a rich and varied cultural scene, from world-class museums and art galleries to music festivals and theatre shows. The UK is also home to some of the most famous landmarks and attractions in the world, such as Big Ben, Stonehenge, and Buckingham Palace.
  • Excellent education system: The UK has one of the best education systems in the world, with renowned universities and schools that offer high-quality teaching and research. Expats can send their children to public schools for free, or choose from a range of private and international schools that cater to different curricula and languages. The UK also offers many scholarships and grants for international students who want to pursue higher education in the country.

Drawbacks of living in the UK as an expat

  • High cost of living: AS we've explored above the cost of living is not hugely different from the UAE but the UK is still one of the most expensive countries in the world to live in, especially in big cities like London. Expats have to deal with high rents, taxes, transport costs, and food prices, which can eat up a large chunk of their income. The UK also has a high VAT (value-added tax) rate of 20%, which applies to most goods and services.
  • Unpleasant weather: The UK is notorious for its gloomy and unpredictable weather, which can make planning your days a little trickier. We recommend adding a UK location to the weather app on your phone or computer for a few days so you can see what the comparable weather in the UK is any given time, remember there is a 3 hr time difference so take this into account.
  • Variable quality of public services: While the NHS provides free healthcare to all residents, and the service in general in incredible, at certain times it also suffers from long waiting lists, staff shortages, budget cuts that can affect the service you receive. However as a UAE national you will likely have been using private services anyway, so this is always an options in the UK as well.

The steps you need to take to prepare for your move and settle in the UK

If you decide to use our UK job sourcing services, then you can pretty much ignore this section, as we'll ensure you are taking the right steps for a successful journey to the UK, ensuring you have everything you need. If you have decided to move to the UK as an expat from the UAE, there are some steps you need to take to prepare for your move and settle in your new home. Here are some of the most important ones:

  • Apply for a visa: Depending on your nationality, purpose of stay, and duration of stay, you may need a visa to enter and live in the UK. You can check if you need a visa on the official UK government website. You will also find information on how to apply for a visa online or at a visa application centre near you.
  • Arrange your accommodation: Finding a suitable place to live in the UK can be challenging, especially in big cities where demand is high and prices are steep. You can search for properties online on websites like Rightmove or Zoopla, or contact a local estate agent or letting agent to help you find a place that meets your needs and budget. You will need to pay a deposit and sign a tenancy agreement before moving in. You will also need to set up your utilities, such as gas, electricity, water, and internet, and pay your council tax, which is a local tax that funds public services in your area.
  • Open a bank account: Having a bank account in the UK will make it easier for you to manage your finances, pay your bills, receive your salary, and transfer money. You can choose from a variety of banks and accounts, depending on your preferences and eligibility. You will need to provide some documents to open a bank account, such as your passport, visa, proof of address, and proof of income. Some banks may also require a credit check or a reference from your previous bank.
  • Register with the NHS: As an expat living in the UK, you will have access to the NHS for free or low-cost healthcare. However, you will need to register with a GP (general practitioner) in your local area first. A GP is a doctor who can provide you with primary care and refer you to specialists if needed. You can find a GP near you on the NHS website or by asking your neighbours or colleagues for recommendations. You will need to fill in a registration form and show some identification documents to register with a GP. You will also receive an NHS number, which is a unique code that identifies you on the NHS system.
  • Get a driving licence: If you want to drive in the UK, you may need to get a UK driving licence, depending on your current licence and how long you plan to stay in the country. You can check if you can drive in the UK with your existing licence on the official UK government website. If you need to get a UK driving licence, you will need to pass a theory test and a practical test. You can book your tests online or by phone. You will also need to pay some fees and provide some documents, such as your passport, visa, and proof of address.

The services we offer to help you find a job and emigrate to the UK from the UAE

Are you a UAE national looking for a job in the UK? Do you want to relocate to a country with a diverse culture, a strong economy and a high quality of life? If so, you might be interested in our service that helps you find your dream job and supports you with your move to the UK.

If you have explored the Prism 7 Group at all, you may have noticed two of our brands, Prism 7 Resourcing and Prism 7 Corporate Services. Both of these businesses operate under the same roof in the UAE and provide the ideal collaboration of services to support UAE to UK job sourcing and relocation. Prism 7 Resourcing helps you find a suitable job in the UK based on your skills, qualifications and preferences. We have access to a large network of employers and recruiters who are looking for talented candidates from the UAE. We also help you with your CV, cover letter and interview preparation. This is all backed by our heritage and 3 resourcing branches based in the UK! Who you will no doubt speak to on your journey with us. Prism 7 Corporate Services are experts in everything else, we help you with your visa application, relocation assistance, accommodation, banking, healthcare and other essential services that you need to settle in the UK.

Why choose us over doing it yourself? Here are some benefits of using our service:

  • We save you time and hassle. Finding a job and moving to another country can be stressful and time-consuming. We take care of everything for you, from finding a job to arranging your visa and relocation. You can focus on your personal and professional goals without worrying about the details.
  • We have the expertise and experience. We have been helping UK nationals find jobs for over 12 years. We know the UK market, the visa requirements, the relocation process and the challenges that you might face. We can guide you through every step and provide you with the best advice and support.
  • We offer a personalised and flexible service. We understand that everyone has different needs and preferences. We tailor our service to suit your individual situation and goals. We work with you closely to understand your expectations and match you with the best opportunities. We also offer flexible payment options and packages that suit your budget.

Why work in the UK rather than UAE? Here are some reasons why you might consider working in the UK:

  • You can enhance your skills and career prospects. The UK has a dynamic and innovative economy that offers a wide range of opportunities for professionals in various sectors. You can work in some of the world's leading companies, learn from the best experts, gain valuable experience and develop new skills that will boost your CV and career.
  • You can enjoy a diverse and vibrant culture. The UK is a multicultural and tolerant society that welcomes people from different backgrounds, religions and lifestyles. You can experience a rich and varied culture, meet new people, make new friends, explore new places and learn new things.
  • You can benefit from a high standard of living. The UK has a high quality of life that includes excellent healthcare, education, transport, entertainment and social services. You can enjoy a comfortable and safe lifestyle, access to various amenities and facilities, and a range of activities and events that suit your interests.

If you are interested in our services and want to know more, please contact us today. We would love to hear from you and help you achieve your dream of working in the UK!

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Prism 7 resourcing provide specialist recruitment and staffing services to a variety of sectors, operating in the UK and UAE. Finding exceptional talent for exceptional businesses.
Part of the Prism 7 Group (UK & UAE)
© Dankee DMCC trading as Prism 7 Resourcing UAE 2023.
Reg Address: Office 3003, HDS Business Centre, Cluster M, JLT, Dubai, UAE
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